Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween Treat: Vegan Mint Ice Cream


Yum, yum, yum! I didn't make this with Halloween in mind but I think the color made it come out eerie. This recipe is so simple and yummy. Its a must try if you are a fan of mint chip ice cream. I didn't have chocolate chips so I topped it with cocoa powder but chocolate chips would have been better.

2 frozen bananas
1 handful of spinach
2 tbl almond milk (or soy or coconut or water)
1/4 tsp mint extract

Place bananas in the blender.
Add the spinach.
Add almond milk and mint extract.
Blend until smooth, if things get stuck just stop and stir.
If you have chocolate chips stir them in when done.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

African Soup


This soup has peanut butter and coconut milk combined with tomato to make a delicious unique flavor. The coconut soup was added last and I actually think I liked the flavor before I added it. I used russets instead of sweet potatoes because it is what I had but you can use either.

1 russet potato, cubed
1/2 yellow onion,chopped
2 cloves garlic,minced
1 can tomato paste
2 cups water
1 tbl seasonings
1 can coconut milk
1/2 cup peanut butter
chopped cilantro for garnish

Begin by baking the potatoes at 400 degrees for 30 minutes.
Place chopped onion and garlic in a dutch oven or soup pot.
Cook on medium until soft. Add the water, tomato paste and seasonings.
This is the seasoning mix I used.
Bring to a boil. Add potatoes and peanut butter.
Reduce to medium low heat and use an immersion blender to smooth out the chunks. Add the coconut milk and heat until warm. Top with cilantro.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Rolled Oat Milk

I revisited this recipe since the first batch of oatmilk was only OK. This one turned out much better. I used rolled oats instead of steal cut. I also strained it twice. It was much less starchy. I am not sure how much healthier the steel cut oat milk is so let me know if you think it's worth it to make the other instead.

1 cup rolled oats (not instant oats)
3 cups water

I soaked the oats for 20 minutes, much less than the steel cut oats. Rinsed them in a colander.
Then put them in the vitamix with water and blended until smooth. Strained and repeated. Viola!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Korean BBQ Tofu

My mom sent me this recipe that she found for Korean BBQ tofu and it seemed easy so I gave it a go. It turned out really good but next time I will modify the recipe. The recipe said to bake the tofu for something like 30 minutes but mine just wasn't getting crispy so I turned the broiler on for 5 minutes at the end to give it a nice crisp. I also won't bake it in the marinade because it turned out a little salty, which Chris loved but next time I will just add the marinade back after it is done.

1 package of firm tofu, pressed

for the marinade:
2 tbl soy sauce
2 tbl sesame oil
2 tbl ketchup or hoison or both (I did a little of both)
1 tbl vinegar (rice wine or whatever you have)
1 tsp sugar (I used agave syrup)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp sriracha, optional

Mix the ingredients for the marinade in a bowl.
Cut the tofu into slices and add to the marinade. Allow to sit for 20 minutes.
*I would suggest baking it without the marinade.
Bake for 15 minutes at 375 and then flip the tofu over and bake for another 15 minutes.
*I then turned the broiler on for 5 minutes to crisp the tofu.