Saturday, October 5, 2013

Korean BBQ Tofu

My mom sent me this recipe that she found for Korean BBQ tofu and it seemed easy so I gave it a go. It turned out really good but next time I will modify the recipe. The recipe said to bake the tofu for something like 30 minutes but mine just wasn't getting crispy so I turned the broiler on for 5 minutes at the end to give it a nice crisp. I also won't bake it in the marinade because it turned out a little salty, which Chris loved but next time I will just add the marinade back after it is done.

1 package of firm tofu, pressed

for the marinade:
2 tbl soy sauce
2 tbl sesame oil
2 tbl ketchup or hoison or both (I did a little of both)
1 tbl vinegar (rice wine or whatever you have)
1 tsp sugar (I used agave syrup)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp sriracha, optional

Mix the ingredients for the marinade in a bowl.
Cut the tofu into slices and add to the marinade. Allow to sit for 20 minutes.
*I would suggest baking it without the marinade.
Bake for 15 minutes at 375 and then flip the tofu over and bake for another 15 minutes.
*I then turned the broiler on for 5 minutes to crisp the tofu.

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