Friday, August 30, 2013

Roasted Peppers

This will be a simple post. I roasted some peppers and added them to my pasta for dinner last night so I thought I would share how.
You can probably use whatever type of pepper you like I had red bell pepper, green bell pepper, poblano and a hot chili.
Just cut them in half and place in a casserole dish with seasoning.
Broil in the oven for 5 minutes on each side.
You can place them in a brown paper bag to cool and then remove the skin but I skipped this for all except the poblano. enjoy!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Chipotle Sweet Potato Soup

Its been way too long since I posted on here. I have been busy getting married and going on long honeymoons :)
With all the planning and events over I am ready to start posting all my recipes.
I found this recipe on pinterest so I cant take all credit for its deliciousness. I did make some modifications because the original recipe used soymilk for the base instead of coconut milk. This would be a lowfat less yummy option. I also left the skin on my sweet potato and I think it blended well.
1 large sweet potato
1 can coconut milk
1/2 cup vegetable broth
1/2 tbl chipotle powder
lime juice and diced avocado for topping

I baked my sweet potato the night before at 400 for about an hour. This way when I got home from work I had a 15min meal.

Combine coconut milk and vegetable broth in a pot and heat on medium high. Add the sweet potato.

Use a hand blender to blend the soup or blend in a regular blender. Add chipotle powder. Serve with avocado and lime juice.
